The Voice of Abba Father…
Wake up child, it is the dawn of a new morning. Let the night fall away from you. There is a calmness all around you as the sun that I created is rising. But child your heart and mind are burdened and captive by racing thoughts. Be still, my child, and rest knowing that I am God. Child come to me and let me give you strength for the day ahead. Give me your burdens, burdens that I am responsible to carry not you. I can take the sin that is haunting you and set you free. Oh child, how I hope you know that as I look at you it brings me so much pleasure. Do you know this truth? Do you? Child I love you and nothing, absolutely nothing, can take you from My grip.
So come to me, I am here. Let’s journey through this day that I have handcrafted for you. Let me give you joy as I bring you out of the darkness of night and into the light of day.
Your Abba Father
Psalm 104:31…The Lord takes pleasure in all he has made!
Psalm 105:4. Search for the Lord and for his strength; continually seek Him.
Psalm 105:43 So he brought his people out of Egypt with joy
Psalm 46:10 Be still, and know that I am God!