Speaking Topics:
Abiding in the Margin
Carrie is a mother of five and holds a senior leadership position in a non-profit foundation in Wisconsin. Her margin is small, but she has found an unforced rhythm of grace as she walks with Him in life. She loves to encourage and inspire other moms who also have a small margin but as they seek Him in the season of parenting.
Abiding in the Barrenness
After years of infertility, miscarriage, adoption, and birth of her children, her family grew in a way that only the Lord could have orchestrated. She shares her story of those long years of barrenness. The pain, the grief, and the longing that she felt physically, emotionally, and yes, spiritually, and how He carried her through the decade-plus journey. She is a proud mom of six children, one who is in heaven with the Lord.
Abiding in the Healing from Trauma
Coming 2025
Abiding in the Margin...
For speaking engagements contact Carrie