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Shalom, I leave with you. My shalom I give to you; not as the world gives, give I to you. Don’t let your heart be troubled, neither let it be fearful. (John 14:27 HNV)

Are you hearing the longing of our Savior to teach us about His true peace –His true shalom in the words written within John 14:27? He is extending an invitation to us today. The invitation for us to come to Him and linger for a while…unplanned and unhurried. He has already left for us that which our hearts and souls long for – shalom. We need to let go of our agendas and take hold of Him and allow Him to lead us through our respective stories. And when we do, He will be faithful to give us the gift of shalom, completeness in all aspects of our life (physically, emotionally, socially, and spiritually). So how will we know when we are living in a state of shalom? It will be when we can see that our daily lives are without strife and find harmony within our inner being among the exterior chaos.

I invite you today, to come to Him without an agenda…to linger and find shalom.


Dear Lord, I desire to linger under your canopy of kindness and joy. Oh, help me to set my mind on only you. May I cast aside my agenda for my life and instead surrender to your agenda. Thank you for not giving to me as the world does. Help my heart not be troubled when life gets hard, confusing, and painful. Help me to resist the temptation of being “holy spirit, jr.” in my life. May I have an unrushed mind to truly linger at your feet, to find my shalom.

Reflective Questions 1) What would your day look like, if you allowed God to lead you through His agenda that He prepared for you based on the life story He as loving written out for you to experience with Him?

2) What if the only thing you plan with God is that you show up with an empty notebook and a pen at His feet? That’s it; and there in the quietness, you linger with Him as you reflect over the day, and in the lingering, you find shalom in your soul.

Devotional of the Week

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