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Yet He ...

... and we didn't value him. Yet he... (Isaiah 53:3-4)

Sitting one evening with these seven words, I found my heart mourning the pain I have caused my Savior when I too have been guilty of not truly valuing him. And as I sat with my Savior in stillness weeping over such realization, I sensed an invitation from Him to quiet my mind, to move pass the shame and guilt and to just be still in His presence. And as my eyes focused on the two simple words in Isaiah, "Yet he," I found myself repeating them over and over... Yet he ... Yet he ... Yet he....

Yet He, loved extravagantly and sacrificially (Ephesians 5:1-2)

Yet He, forgave those who crucified him on the cross (Luke 23:34)

Yet He, endured the cross and disregarded the shame (Ephesians 5:1-2)

Yet He, humbly served (John 13:1-5) even though he knew his time would come to depart us

As we journey through this Advent season, how or what are we valuing? Are we valuing the number of Christmas gatherings we are invited to this season? Are we valuing our accomplishment in that all the gifts are wrapped and under the tree already? Or are we valuing the busyness of the season because such busyness dulls the pain that the season brings? Whatever we are valuing, if it is of this world, let the two words pinned in Isaiah pierce your heart, "Yet he..."

What he showed me that night was that His love is so lavish and so profound that even though I haven't valued Him as I should, yet He was faithful to see to the finish the plan He had for my life in that particular season. So, let me ask you my dear brothers and sisters, are you ready to be transformed by His Word rather by the world this Christmas season and to embrace the truth that your Prince of Peace and King of Kings came to this earth as a baby, in a lowly manger to save you?

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